Please sign this petition to help the family be reunited

ENGLISH BELOW - Copii Sutton au fost furati de autoritatiile Britanice in 2009 pe nedrept din cauza unei acuzatii aduse la adresa tatalui lor Britanic din inaininte de a o intalni pe mama lor. Mama copiilor David 14, Naomi 12 (cea bruneta) , Victoria 11 ani (cea blonda), nu era cu tatal lor cand autoritatiile au luat copii. Protectia Copilului au recunoscut la tribunal sub juramant ca mama nu a neglijat sau sa-i fi abuzat pe copii si ca ea isi iubeste copii. Andreea Bradeanu ( Andreea Bradeanu )este recasatorita, are servici, au conditii, au toate posibilitatiile si totusi refuza constant sa lase copii acasa. Mama are evidence grele precum ca acesti oameni in autoritati isi abuzeaza puterea, au mintit sub juramant in tribunal, falsificat documente si au facut declaratii false. Cu toate ca are aceste dovezi de necontestat care nu pot fi negate , tribunalul refuza sa actioneze si ignora. Drepturiile umane le sunt constant calcate, le-a fost interzis sa mai vorbeasca Romana la contact sau vor opri contacul. Refuzand sa aduca translator de toti acesti ani ca copii sa continue limba Romaneasca, ca consecinta copii nu mai vorbesc Romaneste. Copii abuzati emotional, fizic si metal in grija lor, iar totul este in ascuns. Interzis sa nu vorbim copiilor despre Dumnezeu si credinta.Sa plans de credinta noastra si sa nu mai vorbesc cu copii despre Dumnezeu. (El este ateu si sa simtit iritat) Asta poate fi dovedit din documentele in care au mers la tribunal si s-au plans ca aduc Biblia la contact si ca mama BOMBARDEAZA copii cu invataturi CRESTINE BIBLICE. 


Au spus mamei, daca copii intreaba despre Dumnezeu sa schimbe subiectul. Fiul David curand implineste 15 ani, protectia copilului refuza dreptul de cetatean Roman sa-i faca buletin. Mesajele de pe telefon in acest filmulet sunt trimise de la fiica mea Naomi, avand 11 ani cand a trimis aceste mesaje. Fiica mea si-a deschis inima si tot ce a avut pe sufletelul ei mare si totusi un copil atat de mic... Ei nu asculta niciodata la vociile copiilor, dupa cum vedeti in mesajele ei care striga la cer dupa ajutor. Mama a fost amenintata cu puscaria daca merge public cu cazul ei si ca opreste contactul cu copii, lucru pe care l-au si facut. Copii si mama nu s-au mai vazut de un an de zile, mama nu a facut nimic de a fi necesar pentru toate aceste  actiuni. Nu au lasat ca mama si copiii sa isi ia la revedere, nu au fost avertizati de oprirea contactului, ci l-au oprit fara avertizare. Copiii nu au fost intrebati cum simt daca nu mai au contact cu mama lor, nu au fost pregatiti, ci totul au facut pe furis fara avertizare. Acest lucru nu este spre interesul cel mai bun al copiilor asa cum spun ei. Dimpotriva, a facut mai mutla deteriorare copiiilor. Nu are recorduri criminale, nu se drogheaza, nu bea, nu fumeaza, nu este pericol la copii etc, dar in schimb platim pentru trecutul (acuzatiille) altui om. Aceasta descriptie este doar un mic sumariu din cazul nostru si abuzul de putere ce acesti oameni il folosesc. Va rog sa ne ajutati sa ne reunim familia si sa ne aducem copii acasa. Va rugam sa distribuiti acest filmulet peste tot, ca adevarata fata a Marei Britanie sa iasa la lumina. Singuri nu putem sa punem jos acest sistem draconicesc, barbaric, inuman, corupt, nedumnezeiesc, nazist, satanist si crud. De 5 ani Mama a luptat greu cu acesti oameni intariti barbari sa isi ia copii acasa si nu vor sa lase de ei, tin de copii ca de vietiile lor. Norvegia si Marea Britanie ne fura copiii. Cuvintele nu vor putea descrie niciodata ceea ce simt copii mei si ce se intampla......Va multumim si apreciem


----- The Sutton Children were stolen by the British authorities unjustly in 2009. This was due to an accusation brought against the children's father from before he met the children's mother. The mother of the children, David 14 (now 15 years old), Naomi 12 (dark hair), Victoria 11 (blond hair), was not with the father at the time the social services took the children. Social Services admitted in court that the mother has not neglected not abused the children and that she loves them. Andreea Bradeanu is re-married, has a good job, can provide for her children and able to protect them. Still, they constantly refuse to let the children home. The mother has hard evidence showing that social services have committed perjury under oath in court, falsified documents, made false statements and broke their human rights. Even though the mother has irrefutable evidence which cannot be denied, the court refuses to take action and ignores it. They were forbidden to speak their native language at the contact (Romanian) or they will stop the contact. Social services refused to provide a translator so that the children would keep up with the language and as a consequence the children no longer speak Romanian. Children abused mentally, emotionally and physically while in the care of the Local Authority, but this stays in secret.   . Forbiden to speak to our children about GOD and our faith. This can be proven in the court statements when CHRIS STAUNTON complained and told me to stop talking to my children about our faith. They went to the court and complained that I the mother am (quoting exact words) BOMBARDING my children with CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL teachings. 


They have told the mother, if the children ask any questions about GOD the mother should change the subject. My son David will soon be 15 years old, (now 15) social services refuse his right as Romanian citizen to make him a Romanian ID Card, which he should have made from the age of 14. The text messages in this film, were sent by my daughter Naomi Sutton, she was 11 at the time when she sent those texts. My daughter has opened up what was on her big soul, yet such a small child..... They never listen to the children as you can see in the text messages, which are crying out to heaven for help. The mother was threatened with prison if she goes public and that they will stop the contact with the children, which they have already done. 

It has been a year since the mother and the children did not see each other. They did not let the mother and the childrem to say goodbye, they stopped the contact with not warning, did not even ask the children how they feel about it nor did they prepare the children. This sudden stop in contact is NOT in the children's bests intrests as they say, this has done more damage to the children. The mother did not do anything worthy of all these actions to be necessary. She has no criminal records, no drugs, no drink abuse, no smoking, non violent, not a danger for the children, etc, but instead the children,the mother and her husband are paying for someone else's past (accusations). This description it's just a very small summary of our case and abuse of power these people are using. Please help us to reunite out family and to bring our children home. Please share this everywhere, so that the true face of Britain might come to light. Alone we cannot put down this draconian, barbaric, corrupt, Godless, inhuman, Nazism, satanist, and cruel system. For 5 years the mother has been fighting with these hard barbaric people to get her children back and they don't want to let go of them. They hold on to the children as they would onto their own lives. Norway and Britain are stealing our children. Words will never describe what my children and us feel and what is happening....Thank you and we appreciate it.