It is with big urgency that we request your assistance with overturning a recent garvely alarming governmental decision that will have a severely disastrous effect on the native animal population pertaining to species of URSUS ARCTOS and CANIS LUPUS in certain forest areas of Romania.
In 2017, the Romanian Minister for the Environment, Gratiela Gavrilescu, approved a legal order which allowed for the seizure and relocation of 140 bears and 97 wolves roaming freely and safely in the Romanian forests. At that time, The Romanian Government provided assurance that the seizure – which later turned into mass culling - will be done exceptionally and professionally using non-lethal methods.
At present, in 2019, there is undeniable evidence that the Romanian Government’s plan was misleading and disastrous for the native fauna, as the number of animal deaths was significantly higher than that of safely relocated animals. It is of severe concern to learn that, officially, 105 bears and wolves have been killed and, as a consequence, only 27 have been safely relocated so far. Evidently, in ONLY two (2) years 105 bears and wolves have been SLAUGHTERED in Romanian forests. There is no official, legal or scientific evidence to support or indicate any safe seizure and relocation of these animals.
The killings of native’s species of bears and wolves in Romania continue! THIS NEEDS TO STOP! A recently approved governmental decision has just been issued in July 2019. This latest official decision severely violates the current European legislation regarding the cull of animals pertaining to the URSUS ARCTOS and CANIS LUPUS native species. Both species are protected by law under European law 92/43 of the European Council. Serious consideration should be given to the fact that there is NO OFFICIAL COUNT of the exact number of bears and wolves currently living in the Romanian regions where the culling was approved. Furthermore, there are no official records to indicate how many bears and/or wolves have been killed unlawfully by poachers.
By Government order, at the moment, the number of animals to be executed is to be increased to 140 bears and 94 wolves. This allows the cull of 140 bears of the URSUS ARCTOS species and 94 wolves belonging to the CANIS LUPUS species. It is imperative to note that both URSUS ARCTOS and CANIS LUPUS are species protected under current, strict European Law, hence their culling is completely unlawful. Furthermore, the Government’s decision to continue the culling of any number of animals belonging to the URSUS ARCTOS and/or CANIS LUPUS holds no legal grounds and is not endorsed by any solid, favourable scientific or environmental support. The implementation of such decision requires a very rigorous process as stated by European law adopted and implemented by the European Council as mentioned in Art.16: “Provided that there is no satisfactory alternative and the derogation is not detrimental to the maintenance of the populations of the species concerned at a favourable conservation status in their natural range”. It is absolutely evident that the Romanian Environment Ministry has consistently ignored and defied the current European legislation on this matter.
The Romanian Ministry for the Environment has confirmed that it proceeded with their decision to seize and relocate (…cull, as it turned out…) based on suspicion of potential danger some bears, and wolves may present to the population. Furthermore, there is no solid scientific evidence to justify the illegal killing of the animals since 2017 and there is no current proof to justify the continuation of this cruel practice either.
There is no evidence that the Romanian government has the correct skills to implement such practice safely for the animals either and avoid the further killing of more animals. Consequently, the latest governmental decision to cull more Romanian native species of bears and wolves carries no rigorous, substantial research or evidence of alternatives to unnecessary culling, hence deeming it entirely illegal and immoral. Furthermore, it is unknown how many bears and wolves are still alive. It is known, although unofficially, that a large number of these species are also poached illegally.
There absence of knowledge of how many bears and wolves are still alive and how their numbers have been affected by latest deforestation and building work happening in their natural habitat is extremely worrying in this context. Additionally, it is extremely alarming that there are no legal measures in place to protect both species and ensure there is enough food available for them in order to survive independently in their natural habitats, mainly forests.
The recent severe deforestation of natural habitats and expansion of building work have contributed massively to the migration of bears and wolves into populated towns. Consequently, bears and wolves who suffer from disastrous lack of food do sometimes go in search for food in highly populated towns. There is no proof that this migration has been dangerous to people so far.
In the light of the points listed above regarding the culling of more Romanian bears and wolves in 2019, we are seeking your URGENT SUPPORT to cease the abuse and callous killing of more animals belonging to the species of URSUS ARCTOS and CANIS LUPUS. It is illegal.
The Romanian Government is unable to provide any legal and/ or scientific evidence that further seizure and relocation of more bears and wolves is appropriate or necessary.
The Romanian Government has failed to safely relocate animals in the past and there is grave concern this will be the case again! In fact, hundreds or animals were simply killed. Furthermore, both native species are protected by European Law. Losing more numbers to unjustified culling will affect not only Romanian forests, it will consequently have a massive impact on the European ecosystem as a whole.
As a higher authority with a much broader influence status, your support is immensely needed at the moment to protect and save more of the already vulnerable Romanian native fauna.The Romanian Animal Protection Federation together with many other animal welfare associations do often initiate court cases against unlawful governmental decisions that acts against animals rights, however, their authority is often undermined by much stronger lobbying groups, such as hunters.
Your assistance in making this petition known and in challenging as well as overturning this senseless decision are much needed and appreciated.
Many thanks and best regards,
July 24, 2019 PhD. Artin Sarchizian
Attorney for Human Rights & Environmental Protection
+40 7222.47.555
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~romanian version ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cu o mare urgenta, va solicitam asistenta pentru anularea unei recente decizii guvernamentale, extrem de dezastruoasa, care va avea un efect grav asupra populatiei autohtone apartinand speciilor URSUS ARCTOS si CANIS LUPUS din anumite zone de paduri din Romania.
In anul 2017, ministrul roman al mediului, Gratiela Gavrilescu, a aprobat un ordin legal care a permis sechestrarea si mutarea a 140 de ursi si 97 de lupi care calatoreau liber si in siguranta in padurile romanesti. La acel moment, guvernul roman a dat asigurari ca sechestrul, care ulterior s-a transformat in sacrificare in masa, se va face in mod exceptional si profesional folosind metode neletale. In prezent, in 2019, exista dovezi incontestabile potrivit carora planul Guvernului Romaniei a fost inselator si dezastruos pentru fauna autohtona, numarul animalelor moarte fiind semnificativ mai mare decat al animalelor relocate in siguranta.
Este foarte ingrijorator sa aflam ca, oficial, au fost ucisi 105 ursi si lupi si, in consecinta, doar 27 au fost relocati in siguranta pana acum. In mod evident, in NUMAI doi (2) ani 105 ursi si lupi au fost sacrificati in padurile romanesti. Nu exista dovezi oficiale, legale sau stiintifice care sa sustina sau sa indice vreun sechestru sau vreo relocare in siguranta a acestor animale.
Uciderea speciilor de ursi si lupi autohtoni din România continua! ASTA TREBUIE SA INCETEZE! O decizie guvernamentala recent aprobata tocmai a fost emisa in iulie 2019. Aceasta ultima decizie oficiala incalca grav actuala legislatie europeana privind sacrificarea animalelor apartinand speciilor native URSUS ARCTOS si CANIS LUPUS. Ambele specii sunt protejate prin lege conform legii europene 92/43 a Consiliului European.
Ar trebui sa se acorde o atentie serioasa faptului că NU exista un NUMAR OFICIAL al numarului exact de ursi si lupi care traiesc in prezent in regiunile romanesti unde s-a aprobat sacrificarea. In plus, nu exista inregistrari oficiale care sa indice cati ursi si / sau lupi au fost ucisi ilegal de braconieri.
Printr-un ordin al Guvernului, in acest moment, numarul animalelor care urmeaza sa fie executate va fi crescut la 140 de ursi si 94 de lupi. Aceasta permite sacrificarea a 140 de ursi din specia URSUS ARCTOS si a 94 de lupi apartinand speciei CANIS LUPUS. Este obligatoriu sa retinem ca atat URSUS ARCTOS, cat si CANIS LUPUS sunt specii protejate in conformitate cu legislatia europeana stricta, prin urmare, sacrificarea lor este complet ilegala. In plus, decizia Guvernului de a continua sacrificarea oricarui numar de animale apartinand URSUS ARCTOS si / sau CANIS LUPUS nu are motive legale si nu este avizata de niciun sprijin stiintific sau favorabil pentru mediu. Punerea in aplicare a unei astfel de decizii necesita un proces foarte riguros, asa cum este declarat in legislatia europeana, adoptat si pus in aplicare de Consiliul European, astfel cum este mentionat in articolul 16: „Cu conditia sa nu existe o alternativa satisfacatoare si derogarea nu dauneaza mentinerii populatiilor din speciile in cauza intr-o stare de conservare favorabila in raza lor naturala ”.
Este absolut evident că Ministerul Mediului Roman a ignorat si a sfidat in mod constant legislatia europeana actuala in aceasta privinta. Ministerul mediului a confirmat ca a continuat cu decizia de sechestrare si relocare (... sacrificare, asa cum s-a dovedit ...) a unor ursi si lupi, bazata pe suspiciunea ca ar reprezenta un potential pericol pentru populatie. In plus, nu exista dovezi stiintifice solide care sa justifice uciderea ilegala a animalelor din 2017 si nici nu exista dovezi actuale care sa justifice continuarea acestei practici crude. Nu exista nicio dovada ca guvernul roman are abilitatile corecte de a implementa o astfel de practica in siguranta pentru animale si pentru a evita uciderea suplimentara a mai multor animale. In consecinta, cea mai recenta decizie guvernamentala de a distruge mai multe specii autohtone de ursi si lupi nu are nicio cercetare riguroasa, substantiala sau dovezi alternative la sacrificarea inutila, considerand-o complet ilegala si imorala. Mai mult, nu se stie cati ursi si lupi sunt inca in viata. Se stie, desi neoficial, ca un numar mare din aceste specii sunt deasemenea braconate ilegal.
Nu exista informatii despre cati ursi si lupi sunt inca in viata si cum numarul lor a fost afectat de cele mai recente defrisari si lucrarile de constructie care se întampla in habitatul lor natural este extrem de ingrijorator în acest context. In plus, este extrem de alarmant faptul ca nu exista masuri legale, in vigoare pentru a proteja ambele specii si pentru a se asigura ca exista suficiente alimente disponibile pentru a supravietui independent in habitatele lor naturale, in principal padurile. Defrisarea recenta severa a habitatelor naturale si extinderea lucrarilor de constructie au contribuit masiv la migratia ursilor si a lupilor in orasele populate. In consecinta, ursii si lupii care sufera de o lipsa dezastruoasa de alimente merg uneori in cautarea de hrana in orasele cu o populatie mare.
Nu exista nicio dovada ca aceasta migratie a fost periculoasa pentru oameni pana acum. In lumina punctelor enumerate mai sus cu privire la sacrificarea mai multor ursi si lupi romani in anul 2019, cautam SPRIJINUL URGENT pentru a inceta abuzul si uciderea strigatoare a mai multor animale apartinand speciilor URSUS ARCTOS si CANIS LUPUS. Este ilegal.
Guvernul Romaniei nu este in masura sa furnizeze dovezi legale si / sau stiintifice potrivit carora confiscarea si relocarea mai multor ursi si lupi este adecvata sau necesara.
Guvernul Romaniei nu a reusit sa relocheze in siguranta animalele in trecut si exista o ingrijorare grava, acesta va fi din nou cazul! De fapt, sute de animale au fost pur si simplu ucise. In plus, ambele specii autohtone sunt protejate de legislatia europeana.
Pierderea mai multor numere de sacrificare nejustificata va afecta nu numai padurile romanesti, ci va avea un impact masiv asupra ecosistemului european in ansamblu. Fiind o autoritate superioara cu un statut de influenta mult mai larg, in prezent, sprijinul dvs. este imens necesar pentru a proteja si a salva mai multa fauna autohtona deja vulnerabila.
Federatia Romana pentru Protectia Animalelor impreuna cu multe alte asociatii de protectie a animalelor initiaza adesea dosare judecatoresti impotriva deciziei guvernamentale ilegale care actioneaza impotriva drepturilor animalelor, cu toate acestea, autoritatea lor este adesea subminata de grupuri de lobby mult mai puternice, cum ar fi vanatorii.
Asistenta dvs. este necesara si apreciata pentru a face aceasta petitie cunoscuta cu scopul de a anula aceasta decizie lipsita de sens.
Multumiri si toate cele bune,
Iulie 24, 2019, Artin Sarchizian
Avocat pentru Drepturile Omului & Protectia Mediului
+40 7222.47.555
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