Gazduiti 4 tineri onorabili in Rusia

Pentru fiecare dintre noi exista momente de rascruce si in acele clipe ne intrebam: ”cum ar fi fost daca?” Foarte multi dintre noi au regrete legate de propria persoana, de faptul ca nu au reusit sa fie ce isi propusesera sau ca nu au profitat de o anumita ocazie.

Nu face din clipa asta inca un astfel de moment! Ai ocazia sa ajuti 4 tineri care emana puritate prin toate orificiile. Porii de pe pilelea lor fina schimba destine atunci cand broboane de transpiratie se preling haotic, manate de forta gravitationala care tanjeste sa le posede cat mai curand. Desi provin din familii in care cu peste 5 parinti la 2 copii, intre care sora le era drama si mama napasta, ei nu au uitat sa fie oameni, asa ca atunci cand se vor bucura de mult visata expeditie in Rusia nici nu le va pasa ca tu ai fost cel/cea care a facut posibil acest lucru maret! Si spun maret pentru ca semnand aceasta petitie care nu va folosi niciodata la nimic, devii un EROU! EROUL LOR!

TU ai avut vreodata un vis? Daca da, schimba-l! Viseaza si fa tot posibilul ca ei sa aiba unde sa doarma in Sankt Petersburg sau Moscova in perioada 25 septembrie - 5 octombrie. Mai exact, 25 - 29 septembrie Moscova si 30 septembrie - 6 octombrie Sankt Petersburg. Ambele in 2011.

Rasplata iti va depasi asteptarile, in cazul in care nu ai niciuna!

Ei nu au nevoie de 15000 de semnaturi, nici de 10000. 2-3 le ajung, inseamna la fel de mult! Daca sunt mai multe, poate chiar vor avea voie sa treaca granita.


Ii puteti contacta la:


English Version:

For each one of us there are turning moments when we ask each other: “what would have happened if?” Many of us share the same regrets about us, about what we could have been or done at some point or about taking certain chances.


Don’t make this moment another one of your regrets! You have the chance to help 4 youngsters that exhale purity with all their beings. The delicate pores on their skin are able to change destinies when beads of sweat trickle along chaotic, driven by that G force that yearns to posses them. Although they come from families with more than 5 parents and 2 children, with a sister, Plague, and their mother, Vague, they did not forget what it means to be human, so when they will achieve their dream to see Russia, they will not care a bit that you were one of those that made possible this stupendous achievement. And I say stupendous because signing this petition that will never be any use, you will become a HERO. THEIR HERO!


Have YOU ever had a dream? If you did, change it before it’s not too late! Dream and do everything you can so that they can have a place to sleep in Sankt Petersburg or Moscow between the 25th of September and the 5th of October. To be more accurate, it’s the 25th – 29th September in Moscow and 30th September – 6th October in Sankt Petersburg, both for this year, if you had any doubts.


The reward might overwhelm your expectation in case you have really low (to none) expectations!


We don’t need 15000 signatures! We don’t need 10000 signatures! Just 2-3 are enough, they mean the same thing. If there are more than those, we might actually have a chance to pass the Russian border.


You can contact them at: