
/ #4

2016-09-14 10:37

In contextul International destul de Instabil, vezi Criza Refugiatilor dar si Lovitura de stat esuata din Turcia, precum si agresivitate declaratiilor venite din Rusia , Ambasadorul SUA din ROMANIA Domnul Hans Klemm in calitate de reprezentant al intereselor SUA in Romania se pare ca a facut un GEST INCALIFICABIL la adresa ROMANIEI!?Domnul Klemm a pozat alaturi de Reprezentanti ai autoritatiilor din Jud Covasna, reprezentanti de etnie Magheara tinand la vedere STEAGUL TINUTULUI SECUIESC , un simbol care nu are legatura cu Statul Roman, incurajand astfel Sovinismul si EXTREMISMUL MAGHEAR, lucru de NETOLERAT!
Daca gestul facut conform cu REALITATEA , este Extrem de GRAV!!
Astept in Calitate de CETATEAN al ROMANIEI un comunicat CLAR privind acest EVENIMENT SCANDALOS!!
De asemenea cer acelasi Lucru si din Partea AUTORITATIILOR ROMANE competente, pentru ca acest INCIDENT REPROBABIL VINE dupa un alt INCIDENT petrecut in Republica Moldova cu Reprezentantul SUA de acolo!!
In the context of the International quite unstable , see refugee crisis but the coup failed in Turkey and aggressiveness statements coming from Russia , US Ambassador in ROMANIA Mr. Hans Klemm as representative of US interests in Romania seems to have made ​​a gesture outrageous to Romania ! ? Mr. Klemm posed with authority representatives from Jud Covasna , representatives of ethnic Maghear taking the view FLAG Szecklerland , a symbol that is not related to the Romanian state , thus encouraging Chauvinism and extremism Maghear , so intolerable !
If the gesture is untrue, it is extremely serious !!
I expect as a citizen of Romania clearly communicated on this scandal EVENT !!
Also ask the same thing from the authority competent Romanian reprehensible that this incident comes after another incident in Moldova with US representative there !!

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