
Dark Orbit is a comercial game, one society wich are eating our money and our time. We all send euro and used our time freely, in order to succed in this game, but Bigpoint and DarkOrbit proved to be indiferent to our problems. The admin took there rights to give punished as they liked, the sistem refused any way to talk with us, the players, and there ways to find the bot-users, doesn`t exist. everythings it`s just a BIG JOKE on our money.

Untill our demainds are to be solved in the court of law, please sign this petition to make things go faster.

Dark Orbit nu este numai un joc. Este O SOCIETATE care ne mananca banii si timpul. voluntar am trimis banii, voluntar am folosit timpul nostru, dar ei dau dovada de o indiferenta iesita din comun la problemele  jucatorilor. Administratorii dau pedepsele dupa cum vor, sistemul refuza orice mijloc de comunicare cu jucatorul, metodele de depistare a *bot-userilor* nu exista, totul este o MARE PACALEALA pe banii nostri.

Pana la solutionarea problemelor in instanta de judecata , vom urgenta lucrurile cu mai multe semnaturi.