Pisic lipsit de aparare ucis cu bestialitate de un copil de 10 ani. Cerem educatia minorilor in spiritul protectiei animalelor

English below

Pisicul din imagini a fost ucis cu bestialitate de catre un copil needucat. Acest copil traieste in Orastie si ucide cu regularitate animale mici (pisici catei).

Asociatia Lupy Orastie a fost sesizata in legatura cu un caz socant si igreu de acceptat de catre oricine, chiar daca nu este neaparat un iubitor de animale! Copil de 10 ani ucide cu bestialitate si sadism animale! Indeamna si pe altii sa faca asta! Pisicul gasit in data de 13 iulie in zona unei piete din Orastie, Micro 1, urma sa fie preluat de catre Asociatia Lupy Orastie. Inainte insa ca voluntarii asociatiei sa ajunga sa il preia, pisicul a fost luat de acest copil si a fost ucis. A fost gasit a doua zi cu un picior rupt, coloana vertebrala rupta si plin de sange pe botic.

Membrii asociatiei Lupy Orastie sunt efectiv ingroziti de acest eveniment. Cazul a fost postat pe Facebook pe un grup local, unde o comunitate intreaga a fost oripilata. Exista sute de comentarii care dovedesc acest lucru. 

A fost postat si pe pagina Asociatiei Lupy (https://www.facebook.com/lupy.asociatia/posts/993644060816329?comment_id=995006990680036&reply_comment_id=995435110637224&notif_id=1531724027407625&notif_t=feed_comment ).

S-a facut o sesizare verbala si la Politia mun. Orastie de catre persoana care a gasit pisicul. Politia a facut o confruntare cu copilul si mama sa dar totul a ramas la nivel de discutii verbale. 

Din relatarile unor copii din zona, acest copil a indemnat un alt copil, in varsta de 6 ani, sa loveasca cu piciorul pisicul muribund.

De asemenea, din relatarile de pe facebook, un martor spune ca acelasi copil a ucis un catelus luandu-l de picioarele din spate si izbindu-l cu capul de un garaj, avand spectatori cateva fetite. Apoi l-a aruncat in gradina unor oameni care au sunat la 112, insa nu se stie ce masuri au fost luate.

Vrem dreptate pentru acest pisic si pentru celelalte animale ucise. A facut acest lucru in mod repetat! Probabil sunt zeci de animalute ucise cu bestialitate de acest copil, despre care nu se stie.

Atasam poze cu pisicul viu, in data de 13 iulie si pozele din 14 iulie cand a fost gasit mort.

Va rugam sa fiti alaturi de aceste suflete nevinovate. Cerem sa se faca dreptate.

Consideram ca la virsta foarte frageda de 10 ani, daca acest copil ucide animale cu o cruzime de nedescris, este un semn clar al unei tulburari grave de comportament si al lipsei unei educatii serioase in familie.  Daca nu se ia nici o masura, acest copil va continua si mai tarziu poate ajunge un criminal.

The kitty in the pictures was killed with bestiality by an uneducated child. This child lives in Orastie and regularly kills small animals (cats and puppies).

The Lupy Orastie Association has been notified of a shocking and very hard to accept case by anyone, even if it is not necessarily an animal lover! A 10-year-old child kills animals with bestiality and sadism! And tell to others kids to do that! The poor kitty found on July 13 in a market area of Orastie, Micro 1, the cat would have been taken over by the Lupy Orastie Association. Before the association's volunteers arrived, the cat was taken by this child and killed. It was found the next day with a broken leg, the spine broken and full of blood on the mouth.

The members of the Lupy Orastie association are really appalled by this event. The case was posted on Facebook to a local group where a whole community was horrified. There are hundreds of comments that prove this.

The case was posted here: (https://www.facebook.com/lupy.asociatia/posts/993644060816329?comment_id=995006990680036&reply_comment_id=995435110637224&notif_id=1531724027407625&notif_t=feed_comment ).

A verbal referral was also made to the Orastie Police by the person who found the poor kitty.

Police faced a confrontation with their child and mother, but everything remained at verbal chat level.

From the children in the area, this child urged another child, aged 6, to kick the dying kitty. Also, from Facebook comments, a witness says that the same child killed a puppy legs taking him back and slamming him head of a garage, with spectators few little girls. Then he threw him into the garden of people who called 112, but no one not know what measures were taken.

We want justice for this cat and the other animals killed. He has done this repeatedly! Probably there are dozens of animals that have been bestially killed by this child, which is unknown.

We attach pictures of the live cat on July 13 and the photos of July 14 when he was found dead.

Please be with these innocent souls. We ask for justice.

We believe that the very young age of 10 years if the child kills animals with unspeakable cruelty is a clear sign of a serious behavioral disorders and the lack of a serious family education.

If no action is taken, this child will continue and later can become a killer.


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