Justice for all the burned and starving dogs at Vasile Temelie ilegal shelter

-Vasile Temelie is a man who had opened an illegal shelter in a village of Romania just because he worked in another shelter and he always believed that more dogs mean more money. In 5 years he raised hundred of dogs and the money from sponsors didn't go to vet. The food got in his pokets for parties and for 2 cars, 1 house in Caracal at Vasile Alecsandi street and dentition of 8000 euro. In this time he fooled people for cleaning his shelter while he did not paid them. He was gone days and weeks ,leaving the dogs to starve until they started to eat between themselves. In January 2018 one women entered in the shelter and took a video with one dead dog, full of blood, stuck in the fence, dogs eaten by others, dogs with huge anal wounds, kennels full of unimaginable dirt and the most horrible thing was dogs burned in the middle of the garden. People and sponsors started to make complains to the police and DSV ( the veterinary authorities ) but they covered what this man did and his ilegal business. After 1 year, when the scandal of another shelter had started, people remembered of the massacre of Vasile Temelie shelter and they begined to talk. A women who was working there ilegal, without being payed, sent another video from 2018 with a dog burned and eaten by other dogs. In all this time german people and scotish people tried to cover all those atrocities just because they raised money and just because they used him and his dogs to make more and more money. So we ask for help to make this criminal to pay!

Vasile Temelie este un tip care a lucrat in Bucuresti intr-un adapost si s-a gandit ca daca va deschide un bussines la fel se va umple de bani.Dupa ce a aflat ca tatal lui are un teren a gasit mai multi sponsori si treptat a facut acest adapost.Timp de 5 ani cainii au fost infometati pt ce individul folosea banii de vet si mancare pt  petreceri si plimbari,timp in care si-a achizitionat 2 masini,o casa in Caracal pe strada Vasile Alecsandri  si fatete dentare in valoare de 34000 lei .In ianuarie 2018 cineva a intrat in adapost si a gasit un caine atarnat in gard,caini mancati intre ei,caini care inotau in fecale si urina si mormane de caini arzand .Dupa nenumarate petitiisi reclamatii cei de la DSV Slatina au fost in control,timp in care individul a platit o amenda si si-a continuat activitatea mintind ca de fapt cei peste 100 de caini au fugit de revelion cand s-au speriat de petarde si ca poze sunt in perioada aia cand cainii speriati sau luat luat bataie.In ianuarie 2018 un caz similar langa  Brasov a reamintit internautilor povestea lui Vasile cerand pedepsirea acestuia ,in peisaj aparand chiar o doamna care a lucrat  acolo ilegal si fara plata care a povestit chinurile bietelor animale( suna ca nu are ce sa le dea suli spunea ca rezista 10 zile fara apa si mancare,cum se droga noaptea in adapost cu prietenii si bateau cainii, cum nu trecea cu zilele pe acolo si cum ii ardea impreuna cu parintii pe cei mancati de cei mari sau cei care mureau de boli etc). Pe langa acestea se alatura si inselatorie pe.internet unde li se cerea sponsorilor 4000 euro ca avusese un accident si trebuia operat la.mana,iar oamenii facannd scandal acesta a postat o singura factura de 2000 euro .O alta dovada face si o chitanta modificata de mana ,mizer,cu pixul.In aceasta perioda,doua tipe din Germania si doua din Scotia influentau pe cei care internautii care scriau negativ ajungand pana la santaje si amenintari  din partea acestora din urma doar sa poata ascunde mizeria din acest adapost doar pentru banii mizerabili facuti pe spinarea amaratilor cu 4 labute.Cerem pe acesta cale pedepsirea acestei bestii si speram ca de data aceasta sa nu se mai musamalizeze cazul!






Cristina Octavia    Contactați autorul petiției