Impotriva comasarii

Stimati elevi, cadre didactice, parinti, iubitori ai artei baletului si ai scolii romanesti de coregrafie.

Haideti sa ne unim si prin semnaturile noastre, sa ne opunem comasarii Liceului de Coregrafie "Floria Capsali" din Bucuresti, citadela invatamantului vocational de balet din Romania, care de peste 60 de ani, a dat nume de aur scenei mondiale a sublimului artelor, arta baletului. Doriti ca aceasta scoala sa-si piarda propria identitate, sa devina o simpla sectie (anexa) a unui oarecare colegiu de arta? Numai uniti putem invinge. Alaturati-va acestui manifest civic si profesional si impreuna vom reusi. Va multumesc. Christian MINDRIS

Students, teacher, parents, ballet lovers! Help Romanian Choreography School!

Let us come together and by our signatures, to oppose merging Choreography High School "Floria Capsali" in Bucharest, ballet citadel vocational education in Romania, which for over 60 years, gold has given name to the sublime world stage arts, art of ballet. You want the school to lose its own identity, become a mere section (Annex) of a certain college of art? Only united can we defeat. Join this manifesto civic and professional and together we will succeed. Thank you. prof.eng. Christian MINDRIS

Christian MINDRIS    Contactați autorul petiției