Abuzurile din Romania trec oceanul

Quoted post

Wizard of Găoz

#6814 Dicksuckers

2014-01-09 22:42

Honourable John Kerry,
The is a bunch of cock suckers here in Romania whose mouths are dirrectly connected to Felix Securistu's dick (a.k.a. Dan Voiculescu). This bunch of cock suckers manipulated through the TV station Antena 3 ( better known as Latrina 3 or Haznaua 3) some rednecks especially from the south of the country as they are less educated and easily to be manipulated. The main dicksucker is Gâdea Maicăl a.k.a. Gâzelu, followed by Ady the Bald Bear, Mircea the Clown Badea, Maicăl Hawkeye Ciuvică and a few others who are feeded by the fester that sprung from the main's dicksucker mouth. I am sure that the American ambassador is eager to take information only from this TV station asthe other ones are obbeyed to Basescu.



#6830 Re: Dicksuckers

2014-01-09 22:48:37

#6814: Wizard of Găoz - Dicksuckers

Crezi ca daca te bagi in fata, in engleza (desi vai de mama ei) esti mai credibil? Te dai de gol cu credinta in Basescu, ca babele care imping din coate la coada sa ajunga mai repede la moaste sa la aghiazma...Nu castigi decat dispretul tuturor