Impotriva dublarii filmelor in limba romana


/ #20

2011-05-26 21:43

Hello! I am a teacher of English,here in Romania. One of my homeworks I used to give to my students was, and still is, watching movies made in England, USA, etc. and not only...
22 years ago or more,while watching tv, my parents and I would watch all the wonderful American and British films, the Romanian Broadcasting TV company used to give us, the Romanians of those times, of the "good old days"!.... This way, our love for the English language ( and not only)was nourished by those films made by A. Hitchcock,A .Spielberg, Woody Allen,a.s.o.

While watching them ,a silence had to spread over us.WE wanted to learn English, to hear the famous actors' voices, to ENJOY everything.

What's so difficult to understand, Mr. Socaciu!
PLease, do not spoil the pleasure of my students' "homework" ...