Abuzurile din Romania trec oceanul


/ #11300

2014-01-10 12:57

Buna ziua!
In secolul trecut (20) bunicii nostri au asteptat zeci de ani sa veniti voi, americanii. Nici n-ati venit, nici n-aveati vreun gand, deoarece la Yalta ne-ati pecetluit soarta, fara sa ne cereti, in vreun fel, acordul. ROMANIA A FOST A PATRA PUTERE BELIGERANTA, in nici un caz Franta, in care Hitler a intrat ca in branza. Chiar daca Romania a avut pierderi mari umane, materiale si teritoriale, A FOST FORTATA SA PLATEASCA DESPAGUBIRI DE RAZBOI URSS si aliatilor. Maresalul Ion Antonescu a fost arestat (si executat) pentru ca a pus trei conditii pentru capitulare: 1.anularea efectului Diktatului de la Viena prin refacerea integritatii teritoriale (renitegrarea Transilvaniei, Basarabiei, Tinutului Herta si a Cadrilaterului), 2.scutirea Romaniei de plata despagubirilor de razboi si 3. neintroducerea comunismului in Romania. Insa regele Mihai (foarte antiromaneste consiliat) l-a trimis pe printul Bibescu sa negocieze capitulare neconditionata prin care cele de mai sus sa nu conteze. Noroc ca Stalin a considerat ca ,totusi, ar trebui sa ne retrocedeze Nordul Transilvaniei. Unde erati atunci, d-lor americani?! Care a fost rolul vostru in evenimentele din 1989? Ce ati hotarat pentru noi, la Malta, de data aceasta??? Ati participat la executia lui Ceausescu pentru ca a avut "tupeul" sa scape de FMI. Ca populatia era nemultumita de metodele aplicate de domnia sa, este alta poveste. Insa motivele voastre au fost de alta natura. Tara asta este atat de bogata, incat de 2000 (doua mii) de ani se fura si inca mai este de furat! STIM FOARTE CLAR CA ROMANIA ESTE COLONIA VOASTRA!!! Cateva argumente: voi l-ati impus pe Basescu presedinte (CARE N-A CASTIGAT, PRACTIC, NICIODATA, ALEGERILE PREZIDENTIALE), pentru ca este executantul fidel al unor ordine descreierate de exterminare a populatiei Romaniei, IN SPECIAL CEA DE ETNIE ROMANEASCA!!! ATI NESOCOTIT CU AROGANTA VOTUL NOSTRU, INCLUSIV PRIN MASLUIREA JEGOASA A REFERENDUMULUI DIN 2012!; Stim ca pe Mugur Isarescu (aka Isaac... stiti voi!) l-ati impus tot voi guvernator BNR pe viata prin CFR (Council of Foreign Relationships); manipularea prin trusturile de presa a opiniei publice prin care romanii sunt denigrati si marginalizati, creandu-se confuzia periculoasa si deloc magulitoare cu etnia de tigani care,-la sugestia cui???!!!- au inceput de ceva vreme sa se numeasca (de unde pana unde?!), "romi"! Treaba lor, insa tiganii (gipsy, zigeuner, zingarra, gitanes) SUNT O CU TOTUL ALTA ETNIE, CU ORIGINI TOTAL DIFERITE DECAT NOI, ROMANII!!!! Chiar si Madonna (din "vasta"ei cultura!), si-a permis sa ne tina un discurs total nedocumentat, aberant si nesolicitat pe aceasta tema; l-ati "salvat" de justitia de care faceti atata caz, pe puscasul care a omorat in accident un mare muzician roman expediindu-l in secret un USA; faptul ca ati lasat in paragina fostul sediu al ambasadei voastre, plin de balarii, fara sa va pese ca este in centrul orasului, si v-ati construit o hardughie de ambasada, unde ati avut voi chef, aproape de aeroportul Baneasa ca sa faceti scapati, cu mai mare usurinta, "american citizens" care comit fapte penale in tara noastra. Pana acum ati intervenit in treburile tarii noastre IMPOTRIVA INTERESELOR NOASTRE!!! Cred ca ar fi momentul (si va obliga speranta, lacrimile si suferintele bunicilor nostri care v-au asteptat pana in momentul mortii lor) sa actionati si in interesul nostru, si daca tot va topiti de dragul justitiei romanesti, FACETI-O SA FUNCTIONEZE, OBIECTIV, IN LITERA LEGII!!! Suntem oameni extrem de inteligenti, v-ati lamurit ca nu tin vrajelile voastre de 1 quater, made in Hollywood, oricat ati incercat sa ne otraviti si sa ne infometati. Nu avem stofa de "masa de manevra". Suntem multi care cunoastem istoria reala, oricat se incearca sa ne intoxice "istoria oficiala". Ganditi-va serios, SUNTEM PARTENERI EGALI, EXCLUS SUBORDONATI!!!

In the last century (20) OUR grandparents waited for decades to come you, Americans. No, you did not come, you were not even a thought, because we will have sealed the fate of Yalta, without asking us , in any way agreement. ROMANIA WAS FOUR belligerent power, in any case not France, in which Hitler came like cheese . Even if Romania had big losses of human, material and territorial, Romania was forced to pay war reparations USSR and its allies . Marshal Ion Antonescu was arrested (and executed) for the set three conditions for surrender : 1. Reversal Vienna Diktat by restoring territorial integrity of Romania by getting back Transylvania, Bessarabia, Herta and Quadrilater 2.Romania be exempt from payment of the damages of war and 3 . banning communism in Romania . But King Michael (advised very anti-Romanian) sent Prince Bibescu to negotiate the unconditional surrender that the above does not matter. Luckily Stalin considered that, however, we should return the Northern Transylvania. Where were you then, gentlemen U.S.? What was your part in the events of 1989? What have you decided for us, to Malt , this time??? Have you participated in Ceausescu 's execution because he had " the guts " to get rid of the IMF. As the population was unhappy with the methods used by him is another story. But your reasons were otherwise. This country, Romania, is so rich, that of 2000 ( two thousand) years and still stealing is stealing! WE KNOW CLEARLY THAT ROMANIA IS YOUR COLONY!!! A few reasons: We know that you have you have it imposed on President Basescu (which won PRACTICALLY, NEVER presidential election), that is faithful executor of undesirableorders to exterminate Romanian population, ETHNICITY IN THE ROMANIAN SPECIAL! You have our vote arrogantly disregarded, including rigging dirty referendum in 2012!, ; We know, also, that Mugur Isarescu (aka Isaac ... you know!) you'll still required BNR governor for life by CFR (Council of Foreign Relationships); handling the press manipulation by public agencies that Romanians are vilified and marginalized, creating confusion dangerous and unflattering to ethnic Gypsies who,- at whose suggestion ?! - started a while to name (from where to where?) , " Romans" ! What business do we have in this ethnic group???!!! Gypsies ( Gypsy , Zigeuner , Zingarra , Gitanes ) is a different ethnicity, origin totally different than we, ROMANIANS!!! Even Madonna (from the "vast" her culture!), has allowed by herself to give us a speech totally undocumented, absurd and uncalled on the subject!; you have "saved" the justice of the case so doing, the rifleman in the accident that killed a Romanian musician send it in secret a USA, the fact that you left derelict former headquarters of your embassy, ​​full of weeds, without having to care that is in the center, and you've built an immense embassy where you feel you had close to Baneasa airport to make escape more easily, "U.S. citizens" who commit criminal acts in our country. Until now you have intervened in the affairs of our country AGAINST our interests! I think it's time (you are responsible for hopes, tears and suffering of our grandparents who have waited for you until their death, but you had never come!!!) to act, at least now, in our interest. So, if you all will melt the Romanian justice sake, make it work, functional objectively, IN LETTER OF THE LAW! We're highly smart people. Have you explained that your not successful, cheap speeches, made in Hollywood, no matter how you tried to poison us and starved us???!!! We are not "your table area" at all! There are many of us who know the real history, no matter how they try to poison us by "the official history" . Think seriously about, we are equal partners, excluding subordinated!