Petiție în sprijinul științelor umaniste din România

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Petition supporting the Humanities in Romania

2017-05-15 15:20:12

Dear colleagues,

Today we have submitted the petition supporting the Humanities in Romania to the Ministry of Research and Innovation. 1480 persons signed this petition:

We are grateful to you for all your support and we hope that the big number of signatures, including those of decision makers from research institutes and universities from Romania and the European Union, will persuade the Ministry of Research and Innovation to take into account the proposals we put forward and to make the appropriate decisions for the fulfilment of the requests included in this petition.

The initiators of the petition

Alexander Baumgarten (Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca)

Cristian Ciocan (Universitatea București)

Arleen Ionescu (UPG Ploiești)

Bogdan Murgescu (Universitatea București)

Flavius Solomon (Institutul de Istorie „A.D. Xenopol”, Iași)

Alexander Baumgarten; Cristian Ciocan; Arleen Ionescu; Bogdan Murgescu; Flavius Solomon

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