Sustin Nasul TV reprezentata de Radu Moraru



Sustin libertatea de exprimare si protejarea proprietatii private in Romania.

(Phoenix, 2017-10-15)


Vreau ca aceasta emisiune sa existe
Este singura emisiune din România sincera adevărată și iubita.

(Windsor, 2017-10-17)


Libertatea de exprimare, dreptul de proprietate sunt garantate de Constitutie. Acum sunt GRAV INCALCATE ! Indemn romanii de buna credinta si carora le pasa de ROMANIA sa vina alaturi de noi ! E TIMPUL SA STRANGEM RANDURILE si sa ne aparam drepturile pana cand STATUL MAFIOT nu o sa ne indese pumnul in gura INCAT SA NE SUFOCE DEFINITIV ! Mai avem O SANSA - INAINTE DE A FI PREA TARZIU !!!

(Chicago, 2017-10-18)


pt cartianu si moraru semnez

(arad, 2017-10-18)


vreau ca dreptatea sa triumfe :)

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-18)


Pentru Libertatea de Exprimare garantată de Radu Moraru la Naşul TV.

(Bucureşti, 2017-10-18)


Dreptul la proprietate este garantat prin Constituția României
Romanii au nevoie de siguranta

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-18)


Semnez pentru petiție pentru ca NasulTv fără Radu Moraru nu are nici cea mai mică valoare!

(Macomb, 2017-10-18)


ionel Grigorean

(Portland, 2017-10-18)


Alice Bocancea

(Anaheim, 2017-10-19)


Corectitudinea si profesionalismul trebuie incurajate, nu pedepsite.

(Toronto, 2017-10-19)


Suport independenta televiziunii Nasul TV si nu sunt de acord cu nici un fel de masuri abuzive care atenteaza la democratie si libera exprimare.

(Medias, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru am urmärit postul, am väzut eforturile lui Radu Moraru si mä idignä escrocheria si lipsa de onestitate a adversarului!

(Sibiu, 2017-10-19)


Sustin dreptul la proprietate, sustin Nasul tv .Nasul tv fara Radu Moraru nu exista! Sa fiti iubiti si binecuvantati de Dumnezeu!

(Oradea, 2017-10-19)


Sustin libertatea de exprimare.

(Phoenix, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru ca Radu Moraru este un bun si credincios jurnalist roman .

(San Jose , 2017-10-19)


Este singura televiziune libera

(Bistrita, 2017-10-19)


Normalul sa fie normal

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Singura televiziune libera!

(Timisoara, 2017-10-19)


Este o televiziune care spune adevărull , cu emisiuni pe teme interesante de care poporul are nevoie , o televiziune care este cu poporul si negresit se vede că este o televiziune liberă. Fie ca adevărul și dreptatea să învingă. ! Doamne ajuta ajută !

(Roma, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru că Naşul TV este una din puținele platforme media independente din România, neacaparată până acum de PSD, televiziunea permițând exprimarea absolut liberă a punctelor de vedere ale invitaților, fără contrângeri legate de afinități politice, interese economice sau alte interese.
Schimbarea lui Radu Moraru prin măsuri abuzive a arătat cât de deranjantă era această televiziune pentru puterea politică din România, mai ales datorită penetrării puternice la nivelul Diasporei româneşti, în special din SUA şi Canada!

(Craiova, 2017-10-19)


Iubesc libertatea de exprimare

(Sibiu, 2017-10-19)


Susțin ,Radu Moraru!

(Satu Mare, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru ca vreau sa am o presa libera facuta de jurnalisti si nu de felceri, pentru ca vreau ca in tara mea sa fie respectate legile si dreptul la proprietate, pentru ca vreau sa traiesc intr-un mediu sanatos. Vreau sa las copiilor mei o tara in care sa le placa sa traiasca.

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Nu sunt de acord cu puciurile si ilegalitatile nimanui

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Semnez și pentru că sunt acționar la Nasul

(Roman, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru ca tin cu echipa nasul tv si sper din tot sufletul sa se faca dreptate

(Timisoara, 2017-10-19)


Cu excepția Facebook-ului nu am văzut nici un canal tv să scrie două vorbe pe bandă despre această problemă, solidaritatea de breaslă există?Dl.senator Turcescu a spus ceva?, când a plecat de la B1 unde a avut loc?

(Mizil , 2017-10-19)


Nasul Tv si Caravana Istetilor, reprezinta pentru mine si pentru foarte multi copii din aceasta tara, o rampa de lansare in muzica si nu numai!

(Constanta, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru că, așa îmi spune inima, să fiu alături de cei dragi care, prin emisiunile lor m-au făcut să mă simt liberă într-o țară ocupată de hoți și am putut vedea adevărul. Doamne ajuta!

(Zalău, 2017-10-19)


For freedom!

(PPL, 2017-10-19)


Imi place de Nasul Tv si nu vreau sa nu mai existe...

(Vintileasca, 2017-10-19)


Nasul tv este Radu Moraru

(București, 2017-10-19)


Nu sunt de acord cu mincinosii si hotii,cum se poate in tara asta sa furi munca altuia?

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Respect ! Nasul TV Radu Moraru !

(Calgary, 2017-10-19)


Chiar daca de multe ori , nu sunt de acord cu Radu Moraru ( încă mai astept sa publice lista cu acoperitii din " presa " ) , de data aceasta sunt alături de el si de " Nasul" tv . O mare golanie pe ...față si cu mult tupeu din partea ...agaricilor ! Mult succes Radu Moraru si echipei " Nasul " tv !

(Prato, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru că sunt de partea adevărului.

(Tamăşeu, 2017-10-19)


Pentru ca este a noastra, a oamenilor cinstiti!

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Este strigator la cer ! Nu este vorba de o televiziune , este vorba de furt de proprietate cu acte false !

(Paphos, 2017-10-19)


Sustin Radu Moraru

(constanta, 2017-10-19)


Televiziunea liberă „Nașul TV” Radu Moraru a înființat-o.Vreau sa rămână o „Televiziune liberă” și pe mai departe.

(Resita, 2017-10-19)


Pare aberant ce se întâmplă. Sunt indignată de lipsa de reacție a "colegilor" din media în general, din TV Media în special. Frica de eventualele repercusiuni din partea sistemului? Lașitate? Indiferență? Indiferent daca sunteti sau nu de acord cu continutul/formatul emisiunilor, maniera de "actiune" este hidoasă într-o democrație, ceea ce noi dorim să avem.

(Bucuresti , 2017-10-19)


Pentru libértate!

(Madrid, 2017-10-19)


Domnule Radu Moraru si ceilalti Actionari, pe linga faptul ca sint de partea voastra sa v-a sustin pina-n pinzele albe, am luat legatura cu Presedintele Parlamentului Uniunii Europene in legatura cu atrocitatile si injustitia ce se permite in mod in-uman si deliberat pe teritoriul Rominiei. Acesta este Mesajul care l-am transmis Domnului Altiero Spinelli care daca nu ma insel este Presedintele Parlamentului European. European Parliament
Bât. Altiero Spinelli
60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 - Bruxelles/Brussels
Phone: +32(0)2 28 42111
Fax: +32(0)2 28 46974

Dear Mr. Altiero Spinelli,

Even though I do not live in my Country of origin which is Romania, I am extremely warry what happens there for the last 27 years since the so-called "REVOLUTION" which was actually just an extension of the continuation of the suppression and slaves of the System which also transformed the Country into a Ruin, Rubbish Dump, Selling the Country wealth to Multi-Nationals for next to nothing and destroying everything that the Country has for its survival. As you might be aware of the Governments since the so-called "REVOLUTION" which was nothing else but a fake one which created a bloodbath and as a result tens of thousands of innocent civilians were killed in the process so those who organized such putrid and fake "REVOLUTION" which resulted in a mass murder in order for them to take power and commit ongoing crimes since then which has caused in plain sight so many varieties of atrocity's which it is not just shameful and inhumane but also all this to happen in the third millennium it is outrageous and against all principal that our Humanity should and must live by. I am personally astounded that no measures have been taken for almost 3 decades no decisive action has been taken to curve and eliminate such an ongoing atrocities which are oppressing an entire Nation despite the fact that Romania has been a Member since 2007. I am also flabbergasted as to why nothing decisive has been taken to ensure that in this New Era Modernised Society such behaviour should and must not occur in a Country that is the Cradle of the World Civilisation which has contributed and still does as a Nation which is near extinction and implosion committed by these Governments which is mainly comprised of Country Traitors, Penalise, Destroyers of the Country, Leaches, Interlopes and other Human Garbage. As you all might be aware that 99% of the Media in Romania is controlled and manipulated by this which can only be called irrational Animals at the top it seems that no one bothers externally to intervene especially that the 1% of Media TV and / or Freelance Reporters are either suppressed, frighten with murder, ongoing intimidation and or aggressing them verbally or bodily. How is it possible that suck callow acts of illegal behaviour which it is against all European Community Principals are permitted to continue under your noses which some must have been heard in EU when some of those criminals acts of violence, embezzlements, attempts of introducing Illegal Laws to protect them from such dirty acts against an entire Nation who are slaves in they own Country. As an example about the Media of uncontrolled TV Station called NASU TV, they have been trying for years to shut it down and even as we speak has been taken over by individuals which obviously are part of this dirty System of outlaws which I can only be called a Dictatorship and not a free Democracy as they falsely are trying very hard to pictured externally. Where in the World can this be called "JUST AND A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY" where outlaws are protected, criminals, interlopes and illegal dealers and merchants are committing an ongoing illegal act's under the noses of the Authorities of Law and Order which is so many cases they actually aided the Criminals, Interlopes or other low life’s which rules the Country in plain view in such manner. Even the Multinationals are breaking the laws of Trade by collaborating with this Outlaw Governments for decades by not paying Taxes (Or very little) as they bribe the Governments and its Authority's. These Multinationals have been crying for years and years that they been trading in deficit but it is not only outrageous as well as unexplainable how Businesses of such magnitude to continue Trading under this conditions which cannot make sense if they don't make money as a Business to stay in Business which I'm sure they don't continue just because they sympathize this Nation. I have been living in Australia since 1982 but I never heard of such absurdity that a business (Until the current Neo-Fascist Government) continues to Trade in a deficit which cannot explain how it can survive for so many years in such conditions. It is also outrageous how can a Government such the current one in Romania can still rule when the majority has been sentenced irrevocably and some Members of Party or even the President of the Parliament has multiple sentences and Cases on the role which they carry-on as if nothing has or have happened. I cannot in my wildest nightmare could not imagine that such Illegal acts be permitted to go on despite the fact that there were so many Petitions, ongoing Street Demonstrations, Protests and Free Media Reporting of such Unjust, Inhumane and Illegal Acts are permitted to continue in a Country that is a European Union member which can be without a doubt much better contribute to the EU Community as a whole. What is the point to belong to such Community if such acts will be permitted to continue as the Country is near collapse and people has more than enough but cannot be permitted to gather more than two on the Streets which now the Romanian Authorities are calling it ""ILLEGAL GATHERING"AND THOSE WHO ACTUALLY PROTESTING LEGALLY IN THE STREETS ARE HARASSED BY THE JANDARMS, HARMED BY INTERLOPES AND FRIGHTEN TO KNIFE THEM OR MURDER THEM AS WELL AS PENALISED WITH HUGE PENALTIES BY THE AUTHORITY'S WHICH SHOULD PROTECT THEY RIGHTS OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE A PEACEFUL PROTEST AGAINST AN OUTLAW GOVERNMENT. Sir, I'm asking you as human to human to help us by reading this in the Parliament and aid us to take to the world Tribunal these Criminals as Rulers and Individuals without scruples which are oppressing an entire Nation and get away with murder as they control and defy the Justice System which despite the fact that there were Thousands of signatures as a protest from Judges and Lawyers and nothing can be done about it internally just because they hold power and as a result they hold the Country under they feet and do what they please when they please. I will also ask all the World Body's to intervene as such injustice cannot continue which is not only deplorable but against all sacred values that the World Community should not and must not live by in the THIRD MILLENNIUM AS A HUMANITY. We all have to fight to ensure that no Human Being should be forced to live under such Inhumane and deplorable conditions no matter what they're beliefs are, the colour, Nationality or age group belongs to as it is our sacred duty to ensure that the next Generations do not inherit such outlaw behaviour from they own Governments and the Inhumane way of life that exists in so many other Countries around the World. If nothing is done then it will be not only Anarchy but a complete collapse of the Human Values and the way of life that every Human on Earth should have a decent life and a fair chance to survive as a Humanity as a whole. I am also asking you as a President of the European Parliament and as a descendant of our Nation to ensure that everything is done to ensure that this Outlaw Government of Romania does not get away with this kind of behaviour which keeps the majority of population in deplorable conditions with a Health System that is in disarray and way under sub standard’s that the World Health Organisation should keep a Country Health System to a decent Standards and not to a Sub-human Standards. Even the wagers are unrealistic in comparison to the costs of decent living which has the same costs if not even more expensive and out of reach of so many items which are essentials of day to day existence and NOT LUXURY in comparison to other European Union Countries. It is a call of desperation to save a Country and remain in the Union because if there no one will help we will be left without choice but to raise and get reed of the existing garbage that rules our Nation and we will ask to be excluded from the European Union if there is a refusal or ignorance to save us from these lowlifes Rulers which knows only to sell the Country for next to nothing for they own interest and keep the Country in misery and slavery with a devilish intention to make us extinct as we can as a Nation we can survive without any ones help if there is no other choice or a way out of these nightmares which it is obvious that the big Corporations had played and still are playing a big role in the destruction of this Country which has played a big role since the beginning of time as well as been the GATE OF EUROPE with also a big Geostrategic and very important role also as well as a participant in a stability and prosperity in the region for God knows how long. We rather see that we continue to work together to ensure that the Union Community continue to prosper and solve the inequality that exists in some Country Members which as you know we can be a huge participant and a solid Partner in this ongoing endeavour that affects us all as a Community as a whole and we could become strong and unbeatable if we work together as one. It is our only ask as we can no longer stand the pressure which affects us, our children's, as well as our future Generations and God help us because nothing and no one will help this sub-humans that its so-called Government that defies and breaks all the Laws known to man. Thank you very much for your understanding and concern and God bless you and your Family. Please do not hesitate to send us any questions and concerns via my E-Mail georgestan9********** and or send us an alert SMS on Mobile 0410721470

(Woodridge, 2017-10-19)


Radu Moraru este cel care reprezinta Nasul Tv
fara dumnealui nu exista, unica televiziune libera!

(bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Semnez pentru ca sustin televiziunea libera

(Sighisoara, 2017-10-19)


Am plecat din tara, pentru că nu am răbdarea ta NAȘULE!!! Mult succes.!!!

(Kokkedal , 2017-10-19)


Sa castige justitia

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Este abuziv ceea ce s-a intamplat si proprietarii de drept trebuie sa isi reintre in drepturi. In felul acesta nu-l apar pe Radu Moraru, ci , justitia si statul de drept.

(Ocna Mures, 2017-10-19)


Vreau că Nașul TV să rămână așa cum era până acum.

(Ploiești, 2017-10-19)



(București, 2017-10-19)


Radu Moraru este proprietarul de drept al postului tv. NASULTV

(Bergen, 2017-10-19)


Avem nevoie de presă liberă, ne-a ajuns perioada pumnului pus în gura !

(Brăila , 2017-10-19)


Apreciez pasiunea și profesionalismul întregului colectiv Nasul tv

(Bacau, 2017-10-19)


Asa este corect.

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


e singura televiziune libera

(resita, 2017-10-19)


Politica pumnului in gura trebuie sa inceteze. .

(Reading, 2017-10-19)


Semnez aceasta petiti pt ca este incredibil ce se petrece in acesta tara , cica europeana. Prin aceste actiuni ,inca o data se vede ca aderarea in europa s a facut doar de dragul banilor.

(iasi, 2017-10-19)


Domnul Radu Moraru este adevaratul conducator al televiziunii libere!

(Sibiu, 2017-10-19)


Apreciez Radu Moraru ,apreciez NASU TV (CONDUS DE RADU MORARU !)........

(Alexandria, 2017-10-19)


imi respect proprietatea

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Nu vreau sa dispara singura televiziune libera din Romania.

(Iasi, 2017-10-19)


Nasul TV este Radu Moraru

(Brasov, 2017-10-19)


Sustin echipa d-lui Radu Moraru , de la deoarece este singura televiziune libera unde cetatenii onesti sesizeaza ilegalitatile institutiilor statului , fara sa fie cenzurati.

(Timisoara, 2017-10-19)


Sustin libertatea de exprimare si promovarea tinerelor talente.

(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


N-as fi crezut ca vor merge asa departe,avertismentele Nasului nu sunt degeaba.Sunt alaturi de voi

(Focsani, 2017-10-19)


este singura televiziune cu vizibilitate nationala,care a prezentat cauza mea.

(Galati, 2017-10-19)



(Bucuresti, 2017-10-19)


Un post de televiziune curat si liber !! Felucitari !! D-zeu sa va dea biruinta si cistig in toate !

(Phoenix ,Az, 2017-10-19)


il sustin pe dl. Radu Moraru

(londra, 2017-10-19)