Patrimoniul istoric national între profesionism si amatorism

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/ #476 Re: sfaturi utile din strainatate

2014-02-19 18:30

#475: silistitul - sfaturi utile din strainatate

Dupa un mic studiu am descoperit ca emeritul "arheolog" englez nu prea vrea sa isi faca public CV-ul adica parca nu ar fii arheolog.Nu cred ca asocierea unor arheologi romani cu dl Barford ar fii de bun augur sau un interviu cu acesta dar cine stie daca Ponta si-a modificat CV nu se poate ca si un englez sa faca la fel?Citez :

""British archaeologist living and working in Warsaw Poland. Since the early 1990s a primary interest has been research on artefact hunting and collecting and the market in portable antiquities in the international context."

suffices to establish him as a renowned expert whose statements of opinion must be accepted as gospel because he is, don't you know, an ARCHAEOLOGIST.

So far as I, or anyone else interested in his actual qualifications can determine, he failed to matriculate from the Institute of Archaeology in London, then worked for a few years in a junior position doing fieldwork in the UK. In 1986 he moved to Poland, where he became first an assistant lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, and later was appointed as an Inspector of Ancient Monuments in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.

Since these positions did not involve archaeological fieldwork to any significant extent, it is fair to say the Mr. Barford has not actually practised as an archaeologist for more than twenty-five years, after a brief and undistinguished fieldwork career. Yet he presents himself as an expert on the subject, whose opinions should be accepted by the public as definitive, even by those whom he berates.

No sensible person would consider following the "professional" advice of a doctor, lawyer, accountant or engineer who had only worked in his profession for a few years, without earning any particular distinction, and had left that profession twenty-five years ago"

pe scurt : a incercat sa isi ia licenta la institutul din Londra dar nu a reusit, apoi a lucrat cativa ani in domeniu dupa care in 1986 a plecat in Polonia devenind asistent la Institutul de Arheologie si mai tarziu a fost numit Inspector pe monumente culturale si patrimoniu pana in ce an 1989-1990 ??? aici e problema deoarece acest domn nu vrea sa isi publice CV.

Asa ca atentie cu cine va asociati domnilor s-ar putea ca dl B sa nu fie cine pretinde dansul.