Sexy Thing Reloaded! By David Deejay

Salutare tuturor fanilor David Deejay! Numele meu este Alexandru Cristian si mi-a venit o idee stand si ascultand hitul care a revolutionat industria muzicii romanesti si anume "Sexy Thing" marca David Deejay! Au trecut aproape 3 ani de la lansarea acestui mega hit si m-am gandit ca este foarte trist sa lasam muzica buna sa "moara". Chiar daca melodia nu mai este in topurile romanesti fiind considerata de critici "veche" , sunt convins ca multi dintre voi ar dori sa o vada iar in topurile romanesti si , de ce nu, si in cele din afara. Am ajuns la concluzia ca ar trebui sa fac o petitie online pe care mi-as dori sa o semnati cat mai multi dintre voi. V-ar placea sa ascultati un "remake" al piesei "Sexy Thing" by David Deejay? Daca DA , atunci semnati aceasta petitie in care sa va exprimati dorinta si, poate cine stie, insusi marele producator David Deejay , la cererea noastra, a fanilor, ar putea sa ne faca o surpriza placuta in masura in care se poate. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat si , go PRO David Deejay!



Hello to all of you , David Deejay 's fans. My name is Alexunder Christian ,from Bucharest , Romania. While i was listening to the big hit that changed forever the romanian music industry  , and that is called "Sexy Thing" by David Deejay,  i thought about something. It passed almost 3 years since the release of this song and i considered that seems very sad to let the good music die. Although this song isn't  in the charts anymore because some people consider that it is  "to old" , i am convinced that many of you would like to see it again in vogue. As a result , i made this petition in order to have your chance to express your desire by signing this petition online if you would like to hear a remake of "Sexy Thing" by David Deejay. If YES, sign this petition and maybe the great producer , David Deejay,as a result of our requests,  if possible ,  would think to  make "Sexy Thing" to reborn.  Thank you all for your time and don't forget to share Dav7Music wherever possible.

Alexunder David    Contactați autorul petiției