Abuzurile din Romania trec oceanul


/ #8818 Friend or Foe? None of these; a colony

2014-01-10 08:56

A friend you must help, support, respect. That costs you. An enemy, your must fight and that can cost you more. But a colony it costs you nothing, even brings you consistent gain.OK, we understood, we know that you know the reallities of Romania and you choosed a win (USA)- loose (Romania) situation. WE also know that a big and a great country does not change its opinion easy. But, for God's sake, allow us to change this team (Basescu, Macovei, Morar, Papici) who are bad, corupted and unprofessional guys . 7,4 millions people have seen it for some years. All this negative image capital is transferred to USA. Or you do not bother either?