DEMISIA AMBASADORULUI ROMAN din Danemarca si Islanda- Alexandru Gradinaru

Domnule Presedinte,

Suntem o parte din comunitatea romanilor stabiliti in Danemarca si va rugam sa luati in consideratie posibilitatea de inlocuire a ambasadorului atasat ambasadei Romaniei din Copenhaga. Motivul pentru care va trimitem aceasta scrisoare, consta in faptul ca multi dintre noi cei de aici, consideram ca acest domn delegat ca ambasador, nu ne reprezinta si nu ne apara interesele ci dimpotriva.

Un alt motiv temeinic pentru care ne dorim schimbarea o reprezinta si faptul ca la alegerile din 26 mai pentru Parlamentul European si referendumul organizat de dumneavoastra pe tema justitiei, o mare parte din comunitatea romaneasca din Danemarca si Islanda, i s-a ingradit dreptul constitutional garantat de a vota, prin diferite mijloace. Tergiversare, putine sectii de votare, putine cabine de votare, stampile insuficiente, locatii cu spatii si intrari restranse care au ingreunat votul in loc sa il fluidizeze ,personal redus si neorganizat corespunzator, menit parca sa reduca numarul de voturi, precum si lipsa de interes si mai ales lipsa morala si de umanitate etalata romanilor care au stat si 9h in picioare la cozi imense din dorinta de a-si exprima dorinta de a vota, unii dintre ei venind si de la sute de km departare. La ora 21:00, nu numai ca romanilor nu li s-a mai permis sa isi exercite datoria cetateneasca desi erau foarte multi, dar a mai si chemat autoritatile daneze (politia) sa ii disperseze amenintandu-i ca daca vor refuza sa plece, au ordin sa faca orice este necesar sa indeplineasca aceasta sarcina.

Consideram ca aceste actiuni sunt mai mult decat suficiente sa concluzionam ca ambasadorul "nostru" nu ne reprezinta si nu ne apara interesele ci reprezinta si apara interesele unei formatiuni politice ce avea mare interes ca voturile diasporei sa fie cat mai putine. In consecinta, dorim sa luati in consideratie inlocuirea acestui domn cu alt roman caruia sa ii pese de noi cei de aici.







Mister President,   We are part of the Romanian community established in Denmark and please consider the possibility of replacing the ambassador attached to the Embassy of Romania in Copenhagen. The reason we are sending this letter is that many of us here, we believe that this gentleman as ambassador does not represent and defend our interests, but on the contrary.  

Another good reason why we want change is that in the 26 May European Parliament elections and your referendum on justice, a large part of the Romanian community in Denmark and Iceland has been overwhelmed by the constitutionally guaranteed right to vote by different means. Termination, few polling stations, few polling booths, insufficient stamps, locations with narrow spaces and narrow entrances that hampered the vote instead of fluidizing it, reduced staffing and mismanagement, meant to reduce the number of votes and lack of interest and especially the lack of morality and humanity displayed to the Romanians who stayed and 9h standing at huge queues in the desire to express their desire to vote, some of them coming from hundreds of miles away. At 21:00, not only were the Romanians not allowed to exercise their citizenship duties, although they were very many, but they also called on the Danish authorities (the police) to disperse them threatening them to refuse to leave, order to do whatever is necessary to accomplish this task.  

We believe that these actions are more than enough to conclude that our "Ambassador" does not represent us and does not defend our interests but represents and defends the interests of a political party that has a great interest in the diaspora's votes being as few as possible. Consequently, we want you to consider replacing this gentleman with another novel who cares about us here.      





Stefan Florescu    Contactați autorul petiției

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