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/ #2411 ILGA Europe si mania proceselor - ''strategic litigation''

2013-09-06 08:29

Inainte, gasiti si mai multe cazuri din SUA aici (articolul de jos).

Vazand ce se intampla in occident, e foarte clar ca fenomenul proceselor nu e legat de cazuri individuale in care anumiti indivizi sunt ofensati. ILGA Europe, dupa cum aflam de pe site-ul asociatiei, instruieste persoanele LGBT sa dea in judecata pe oricine considera ca ''i-a discriminat''.

Daca legile din occident vor deveni o realitate si in Romania, exact asta urmeaza.

The study visit was followed by a two day training session on Strategic Litigations. The training aimed to equip the participants with sufficient knowledge on strategic litigation with the view to help them build it into their organization’s advocacy plans. During the training the activists learned the concept of strategic litigations; how use the newly adopted anti-discrimination laws in their countries, how to collect evidence of discrimination and work with the national equality bodies. They were also introduced to the relevant case law of the European Court of Human rights, particularly on freedom of assembly, hate crime and hate speech and transgender issues, and to the practicalities of taking cases under ECHR. The training consisted of presentations/inputs by the trainers followed by practical exercises, case studies and discussions. The participants found it to be very useful and relevant to their needs.


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