Colaborare intre Focsani si Active Friends for Romanian People an


Petitie adresata domnului primar al municipiului Focsani, Misaila Cristi, prin care solicitam semnarea unui acord de colaborare cu fundatia  „Active Friends for Romanian People and Dogs e.V”, din Germania, privind Adapostul Public de caini de la Golesti. Luni de zile, fundatia din Germania a contribuit cu cate 3 tone de mancare uscata lunar, a platit tratamentul veterinar  si a gasit familii adoptive pentru 52 de caini din ecarisajul primarei. Consideram ca este in beneficiul cainilor, dar si al orasului o colaborare cu organizatia „Active Friends for Romanian People and Dogs e.V”, dorim transparenta si facilitati din partea Primariei Municipiului Focsani, prin Directia de Dezvoltare Servicii Publice, desemnata se se ocupe de serviciul de ecarisaj din oras. Planurile fundatiei sunt de a ajuta cainii din orasul nostru, de a realiza campanii de sterilizari gratuite pentru a stopa inmultirea necontrolata a cainilor si de a favoriza adoptiile internationale, avand in vedere ca focsanenii nu se inghesuie sa adopte caini din ecarisaj. Colaborarea cu aceasta organizatie nu presupune cheltuieli din banul public si ar creea o imagine pozitiva administratiei locale si orasului Focsani, putand fi o noua cooperare internationala precum cele cu Saint Amand les Eaux, Franța, Andernach, Germania, 's-Hertogenbosch, Olanda si Orhei, Republica Moldova.

Petition addressed to the Mayor of Focsani, Misaila Cristi, asking for the signing of a collaboration agreement with the foundation "Friends for Active e.V Romanian People and Dogs" from  Germany, about the Public Shelter for dogs from Golesti. For several months, the german foundation contributed with 3 tons of dry food per month, they paid veterinary treatment and found homes for 52 dogs from public shelter. We consider it’s for the benefit of the dogs and the city the cooperation with the organization "Active Friends for Romanian People and Dogs eV", we want transparency and facilities from the Municipality of Focsani, through the Department of Development Public Services assigned to handle the stray dogs from the city. The foundation plans are to help dogs in our city, to perform free neutering campaign to stop the uncontrolled birth of dogs and promote international adoptions, given that people from Focsani are not clamoring to adopt dogs from PS. The collaboration with this organization does not involve spending public money and would create a positive image of local government and Focsani, can be a new international cooperation such as those with Saint Amand les Eaux, Franța, Andernach, Germania, 's-Hertogenbosch, Olanda si Orhei, Republica Moldova